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Auto Services

Scheduled Maintenance: Our scheduled maintenance service adheres to manufacturer-recommended intervals, ensuring your vehicle’s longevity and optimal performance. We perform thorough inspections and address any necessary repairs to keep your European or exotic car running smoothly.

Engine Diagnostics and Repair: Our expert technicians utilize advanced diagnostic tools to quickly identify and resolve engine issues. We perform comprehensive engine repairs, from minor adjustments to complete overhauls, to restore your vehicle’s power and efficiency.

Brake Service and Repair: Ensure your vehicle’s safety with our top-notch brake service and repair. We inspect, maintain, and replace brake components as needed, using high-quality parts to guarantee reliable braking performance.

Transmission Service and Repair: Our team specializes in servicing and repairing European and exotic car transmissions. We diagnose and fix transmission problems, perform fluid changes, and conduct comprehensive maintenance to prolong the life of your transmission.

Suspension and Steering Repair: Enhance your vehicle’s ride quality and handling with our suspension and steering repair services. Our technicians expertly diagnose and resolve issues to ensure your car provides a comfortable, smooth, and responsive driving experience.

Cooling System Service: Keep your engine running at the ideal temperature with our cooling system service. We inspect, repair, and replace crucial components such as the radiator, thermostat, and water pump, maintaining optimal engine performance and preventing overheating.

Exhaust System Repair: Our technicians are experienced in diagnosing and repairing exhaust system issues. We ensure your vehicle’s emissions are within legal limits and optimize fuel efficiency while maintaining the signature sound of your European or exotic car.

Electrical System Diagnosis and Repair: From battery and alternator issues to complex wiring problems, our skilled team effectively diagnoses and repairs electrical system faults. Trust us to restore your vehicle’s electrical functions, ensuring safety and reliability on the road.

Experience the A & M European Auto Repair difference today and trust your European or exotic car to the hands of Fresno's finest. Get in touch with us at

or visit our shop to schedule an appointment for the exceptional care your vehicle deserves. Drive with confidence, knowing you’ve chosen the best European auto repair services in Fresno, CA.